Dinky Toys 153 Standard Vanguard

Standard Vanguard Saloon by Dinky Toys, No. 153. Very near mint/boxed. Mid blue issue with cream wheels & smooth tyres. A scarce find. From The Reference Collection of fine Dinky Toys.

Dinky toys 153 standard vanguard saloon jj161 front

Price: £250.00


Issued between 1954-60, this Standard Vanguard car has a rich mid-blue finish with cream hubs, closed in rear wheel spats. This model presents well with its classic lines:

Dinky toys 153 standard vanguard saloon jj161 back

Dinky toys 153 standard vanguard saloon jj161 base

Bright baseplate and well-shaped smooth tyres.
Couple of stray flicks of factory silver on one front door.
Barely a mark besides.
Later baseplate style with smaller print.
The picture box is complete and bright with a crisp feel. ‘In the print’ correct colour spot at the end flap, too. Minimal wear. Resistant end flaps show this bx has been opened rarely.
For information only, please compare this model on the right when set alongside the lighter mid-blue version with fawn wheels:

Dinky 153 1 vanguards

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