Tri-ang Minic Models 22M Delivery Van 'CARTER PATTERSON & PICKFORDS'

Delivery Van 'CARTER PATTERSON & PICKFORDS' with 'SEND IT BY CARTER PATERSON & PICKFORDS' on the other side by Minic Models, No.22M. Working clockwork, with key. Very near mint/boxed. Very scarce! As pictured on page 51 of 'THE MINIC BOOK' by Peter Bartok. From The Denis Tyler Collection. Starting bid £300. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Tri ang minic 22m carter paterson pickfords jj41 front

Auction in Progress

Highest Bid of £300.00

Expires in about 24 hours

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A scarce item from the Tri-Ang Minic factory and especially difficult to find in this very close to mint/boxed condition. This Delivery Van has an original red and green finish with shiny metal parts and attractive, colourful detailed transfers throughout. Note this is the very scarce version with different transfers on both sides as shown in the pictures. Virtually complete – complete.
MINIC’ lettering is complete above the cab.
Working clockwork function and original Minic Key.

Very nice – and a First for QDT!

Tri ang minic 22m carter paterson pickfords jj41 back

Tri ang minic 22m carter paterson pickfords jj41 base

Twin rear opening doors are secured by means of a swivelling bar. Tiny marking to the paint finish where it moves. Original tyres are absolutely fine. Couple of very small lightly tarnished areas if you want to find fault.

The delightfully detailed card box is complete and has the factory stamp ‘CARTER PAT VAN’ on both end flaps (very faint indeed on one end flap, easier to read on the other). Minor wear/grubbiness.
With original Minic Key.

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