French Dinky Toys 24E Renault "Dauphine"

Renault "Dauphine" by French Dinky Toys, No. 24E. RASPBERRY RED issue. Very near mint/boxed. From Boris's Collection.

French dinky toys 24e renault dauphine hh954 front

Price: £165.00


This Renault model is finished in an attractive shade of raspberry-red (and quite distinctly different from the brick red issue), with plated convex hubs, bright baseplate. Original tyres run well.
Pleasing lustre – looks unused.

French dinky toys 24e renault dauphine hh954 back

French dinky toys 24e renault dauphine hh954 base

Little mark to the original paint finish at windscreen bottom edge.
Minor roof rub.

It comes with a crisp, bright, clean box. Minimal wear.

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