Dinky Gift Set 297 Police Vehicle Gift Set

Police Vehicle Gift Set by Dinky Toys, Gift Set, No.297. Very, very near mint - mint/boxed, with 2 white card packing pieces. With cones and police signs. Scarce. From The Marc Mulvale Collection. QDT starting bid £300. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Dinky toys set 297

Price: £500.00

This item is sold.


This is a sought-after, three piece Police Gift set from Dinky, first issued during 1963. It comprises the following models in virtually mint – mint condition:
1) Dinky 250 Mini Cooper. This car has jewelled headlights, detailed casting with opening doors and bonnet, tipping seats and “POLICE” signs on doors and roof. Intact original roof aerial. Spun wheels.‘K’ reg. number plate details.

2) Dinky 255 Ford Zodiac. Another detailed cast model with jewelled front and rear lights, ‘E’ reg. number plates front and rear `(complete), opening doors, bonnet and boot, detailed red interior. Complete “POLICE” signs on the roof and doors (door label is the version in deep blue with round-shaped ‘O’). Driver, detailed red interior. Intact original roof aerial. Bright chrome.

3) Dinky 287 Police Accident Unit. A fine and detailed model with a sliding driver’s door (revealing driver seated behind the wheel), opening service door, jewelled headlights, “POLICE” roof sign and “POLICE ACCIDENT UNIT” labels at both sides. All complete. Intact roof aerial and grey plastic spotlight. Space at rear for stowing the Warning Signs and cones. ‘E’ reg. number-plates.

The attractive inner card stand on which the models sit is very bright and fresh with a detailed colour scene on which to display the Police vehicles.

The colourfully illustrated card plinth is really fresh, clean and bright. Just a couple of bollard slot tears.
Comes complete with four traffic cones and both Police signs. Both pull-out tabs at the side of the stand are present and intact.
Outer box is bright, crisp and complete with no graffiti. Very fresh. Small seam tear and a small repair besides. Few little staple punctures.

Dinky gift set 297 police vehicles gg201 box

Dinky gift set 297 police vehicles gg201 back

Nice to see the two card packing pieces (correct) present:

Dinky gift set 297 police vehicles gg201 packing

Getting scarce.

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