Corgi Toys 273 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow
Rolls Royce Silver Shadow by Corgi Toys, No 273. Pearlescent white & Wedgwood blue. Very, very near mint/boxed. From The Brighton Collection.
This prestigious model from Corgi was issued during 1970. It has a distinctive pearlescent white and Wedgwood (grey-blue) paint finish. Vivid blue detailed interior, gold steering wheel, opening bonnet, boot and doors, and silver-coloured ‘Golden Jacks’ Take Off Wheels. Intact bonnet emblem. Silver-grey base.
In stunning, virtually mint condition.
The complete window box looks fresh, clean, crisp and bright. Intact, original, smooth cellophane. Complete with ‘Rolls Royce’ label and this is the version with the image of the mechanic. A few flecks of surface loss.
Bright and crisp card inner.
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Corgi Juniors Reeves International Gift Set 7000 'BATMAN'
'BATMAN Five Car Gift Pack' by Corgi Junior, No. 7000. Scarce Reeves International Gift Set. Assumed mint/boxed. From The Off-shore Collection. Starting bid £250. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Corgi Toys 378 MGC GT
MGC G.T. Competition Model by Corgi Toys, No. 378. Very near mint/boxed, with suitcase. Very scarce LATE version with ROSTYLE whizzwheels. From The Gower Collection.

Corgi 373 Volkswagen 1200 Police Car 'POLIZEI'
Volkswagen 1200 Police Car 'POLIZEI'. White with green side panels and No. 18 on the roof. Very, very near mint/boxed. Very scarce! From The Bluehouse Collection of fine Corgi.