Corgi Toys 423/405 Bedford Fire Tender 'Fire Dept'

Bedford Fire Tender 'Fire Dept' by Corgi Toys, No. 423 (405). Very near mint /boxed. *Rare NON-MECHANICAL version*. Red, split screen, black ladders. Few made. From The Blue Hat Collection. Starting bid £200. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.

Corgi toys 423 bedford utilecon fire tender ee144 front

Price: £200.00

This item is sold.


This is a rare non-mechanical version of the Bedford ‘FIRE DEPT’ Van finished in vibrant red with perfect lettering and logo on both sides, black ladders, flat spun wheels, and a DIVIDED windscreen. Rare model in all original condition with a superb glossy vibrant lustre. Perfect lettering and logo on both sides. Bright base and shiny flat spun wheels. As-new original finely treaded tyres.

Corgi toys 423 bedford utilecon fire tender ee144 back

Corgi toys 423 bedford utilecon fire tender ee144 base

Note the non-mechanical baseplate (without the bulge!).
Mere dot or tow to the paint finish and note the Corgi period accessory number plate and tax disc.

The blue and yellow picture box is complete and bright. Light wear.

Few of these non-mechanical versions were made.

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