Dinky Toys 969 BBC TV Extending Mast Vehicle

BBC TV Extending Mast Vehicle by Dinky Toys, No. 969. Very near mint/boxed. With upper & lower packing pieces, Instructions & detachable dish. From The Woodside Collection.

Dinky supertoys 969 mobile control room dd834 front

Price: £300.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


A sought-after model from the Dinky range of BBC vehicles made between 1959-64. A deep lustrous shade of green with a pale grey stripe and complete detailed decals on both sides. Grey ridged wheels and well-shaped black treaded tyres. Shiny base.

Dinky supertoys 969 mobile control room dd834 back

Dinky supertoys 969 mobile control room dd834 base

So often the detachable dish goes astray – nice to see this one is still present. Shiny winding handle and that includes the cuffs.
Stray flick of factory grey paint on roof side edge.
The box presents well with vibrant colours on clean, intact card. Small storage crumple to a corner.
With leaflet and both packing pieces:

Dinky supertoys 969 mobile control room dd834 packing

Dinky supertoys 969 mobile control room dd834 leaflet

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