Corgi 259

Corgi 259 Citroen "Le Dandy" Coupe. Very near mint/boxed. Scarce issue in metallic blue & white. From The David Frank Collection.

Corgi 259 citroen le dandy yy366

Price: £160.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


Usually found in dark metallic red, this attractive colour finish is a sought-after issue. A lustrous metallic blue and white finish with jewelled headlights and spotlights. Opening boot and doors. Detailed pale blue interior. Suspension on wire wheels. Fine, original tyres.

Corgi 259 citroen le dandy yy3661

Corgi 259 citroen le dandy yy3662

Two little (probably factory assembly) chips at bonnet front edge.
The colourful and crisp box is fresh, clean and bright. A little period penned note on an end flap (dated 1970)

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